It is true. For the next 12 days we will answer the constant question of "How old are they?" with a single answer. They are all 3 years old. It is hard to see past this age since they keep us on our toes and pretty close to overwhelmed constantly, but think of the future.... we will one day have 3 13 year olds (teenagers!), 3 16 year olds (drivers licenses), and 3 18 year olds (empty nest- hopefully).
With this being said, we have officially entered Birthday season. The twins turned 3 a few weeks ago and our oldest daughter will be 4 in a matter of days. Since all of our immediate family is from out of town, we decided to have one big Birthday Bash to make traveling a little easier on everyone. Saturday, August 10th is the big day and if you know me, you know I love to plan a good party although I am finding it a little more challenging with 3 kids crawling on my lap. Our theme is Splish Splash Birthday Bash! Hopefully the weather gets the memo.
Speaking of weather and memo's, we sure know how to pick'em. Our greatly antisipated camping adventure with the kids was last week. In a nutshell, it really couldn't have rained much more or been any colder for the month of July. Despite the constant mud and layering every piece of clothing I brought on the kids, we did see enough sun on our first day there to at least spend a few hours at the beach and enjoy a campfire or two. Really though, it turned out to be a lot of fun and the kids are fantastic little campers! They had no problem sleeping the night away in a tent (although it is really hard to keep a 3 year old covered all night when they need to be) and like all true campers, were always up for a trip into town to track down an ice cream shop. On a side note- we learned that potty training and outhouses are a bad mix. By the end of the trip both Paul and I can say that we have spent more time holding a kid over a pit toilet than we ever care to for the rest of our lives. Maybe diapers aren't such a bad thing after all...
In adoption news- August starts tomorrow meaning we are 21 days away from our adoption finalization. I have ever intention to make a paper chain link with the kids tomorrow so we can count down the days together this month. It will be here before we know it. Thanks for your faithful and continued thoughts and prayers. "These are the children God has given me. God has been good to me." Genesis 33:5
The adorable Birthday Cards my Mom made the twins. |
Nothing like a little cray paper, balloons, and party hats to make a day special. |
First stop on our camping road trip- a hotel with a water park so we could make it to my Grandma's funeral the next morning. (Nothing like being in the processional to the cemetery with the kayaks strapped to the top of your van.) |
Ada Lake |
Inside the tent view #1 |
In our element. |
I take that back, Paul in HIS element. |
Another fun little surprise we found down at the beach. Yes, we still swam. My kids drank the lake water and thankfully didn't get sick. |
Walking the shoreline with Grandpa |
Enjoying a warm campfire (and S'mores of course) |
Inside the tent view #2 |
Love the camping pics, looks like so much fun!