Our First Day as a Family of Five

If you've been following our crazy journey, you probably can't wait to hear how our first day and night as a family has been.  Here are some highlights.

Yesterday was the day that we drove our kids home for the first time.  We showed them their house, their rooms, their toys, their clothes and other things. It was so exciting. We played with them, fed them lunch, put them down for a nap, played some more, ate dinner, played some more, got them ready for bed and tucked them in.  But I know you're most interested in what these kids are like.

They eat a lot. They are open to trying new foods even though they sometimes don't like them. Some of their favorite words are "More Please".  They say this until we run out of food, like our pan of lasagna last night.  They sleep really well. They went down for naps great and slept through the whole night without a peep.  They love wearing their comfy hats and slippers.  Our oldest daughter loves to watch Dora and play with cards.  Our youngest daughter loves to cuddle and our son loves to read books.

Nicki here now... I have the feeling that with twins and a 3 year old we will be doing a whole lot of handing them off to each other so why not do it right in the middle of a blog entry too?  As Paul shared above, our time with them so far has been sweet.  God has blessed us with good sleepers (He obviously knows our limits...haha) and they seem so content to be here.  The "Mom" and "Dad" word has been already been dropped by them all which of course, melts our hearts.  For me, two moments come to mind as highlights so far.  The first was when we picked them up.  They couldn't get their boots, hats, and mittens on fast enough.... they were so thrilled to leave with us and smiled and giggled all the way home.  The second moment that was memorable was showing them their new rooms.  One of the first thing they all noticed were the pictures of themselves we had framed for their rooms and living room.  They all ran up to them with huge smiles on their faces yelling their names and jumping up and down.  They were home and they knew it. 

Well, since we have jumped headfirst...more like belly flopped actually, into this whole parenting thing we should probably go parent.  It's nap time at the Behnke house.

On the way to pick up the kids!  We bought them coming home stuffed animals to help make the transition easier.  As much as we'd love to post a picture of the kids it's against the rules so this will have to do for now.


  1. How very fun to read your updates! So happy for you guys. Enjoy the adventure. :)

  2. Oh, tears in my eyes! I'm so happy for you, and even though you may feel like you "bellyflopped" into parenting, it didn't look like it from the outside. I thought you handled it with control and grace and God. I can't imagine two people more suited to bring these kids joy and love than you both. Enjoy!


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