Hey Kids...We're Ready For You!!!

Hey Kids! It took a whole lot of work and a whole lot of help tonight, but we're ready and waiting for you.  Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I'm pretty sure we won't sleep tonight.

You're artwork is hung on our fridge.  We are already the proudest parents in the world.

Hey oldest daughter!  Check out your room.  I love the rugs and you will too.  They have bright colors and feel really fun between your toes.


Hey twins! Check out your room. I know, you get to share a room right now, but sometime we'll have to reevaluate these living arrangements.

Of course, by the time you read this blog post, you'll realize that there is no way that we could have done this without a whole lot of smart, creative, generous, handy, supportive and loving people.  And hopefully by now you realize just how many people love you and are excited that they can share in your lives.


  1. So happy for the two of you!!! How exciting!! Thinking of you tonight as your family expands :)


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