Today as I was sorting laundry I had the strange realization when I got to the bottom of the hamper that the last time I had worn some of these clothes I had never thought that within a matter of days I would become a Mother of 3 toddlers and life as we knew it would be turned completely upside down. (Yes, I only use to do laundry about 1x a month.....see what I mean about everything changing?) Just the other day, I was sitting at a stoplight behind a mini van that had those little stick figure people on the back. Two adults and 3 little kids. I had one of those, "God must have a sense of humor" moments when I realized I had become a "mini-van Mom by Friday". (I call dibs on that title if I ever write a book by the way)

Speaking of mini-vans, we bought one. It has been sitting in our driveway for almost 2 full days now and I have yet to even drive the thing. Up until this week, I have secretly despised the idea of a mini van despite all the positive praise from countless friends. Paul is actually out in the bitter cold installing the carseats, yet another new challenge all in and of itself, as I sit inside, trying to get myself pumped up to take it for a spin a little later. Really though, the van will be a huge blessing for our family, just as everything and everyone has been during this whole process. As much as I would have loved some time to prepare, plan, shop, decorate, sort, and do price comparissons on every item purchased, I realized that would have robbed ourselves the experience of feeling overwhelmingly loved and blessed by family, friends, and complete strangers. When people rally together behind a cause it truly makes a beautiful impact in which nothing quite compares. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts for all the thoughts, prayers, meals delivered, kind words, items donated, money given, nails pounded, time off taken, calls made, and cards sent.
Our pocket door finally closes! Thanks guys!! |
A few friends putting together some pictures for the kid's rooms. |
Drop off #1 of meals. More coming tonight! Yum! |
Child safety locks and smoke detectors installed! |
A frantic few hours of unpacking, sorting and putting rooms together. |
Many of you have been asking to meet our three adorable kiddos or at least see a picture. Know that if we could, we would love to introduce them to each and every one of your or cover our facebook pages with their faces but we simply aren't able to. Because these children will be in our care classified as "foster children" for the next 6 months until we can legally set an adoption date, we can't play by our own rules. We will be slow in introducing them to people because they are still in the process of forming a bond and attachment to us. You will eventually begin to see us around again though so be on the lookout. Our kids love to give high fives.

There are so many special, sweet stories I could share from this how they all sat outside my bedroom door this morning as I tried to catch up on some sleep and sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star at the top of their lungs as they waited for "my Mommy" to wake up. Or how they beg "my Daddy" (that's how they have been referring to us) to read just one more story out of their new children's Bible before they go to bed at night. These stories will have to wait for another post, another day. In the meantime please be praying. Pray prayers of thanksgiving over them and over us. God has heard our cry and He has answered. Continue to pray for the transition for all 5 of us as we figure out what this being a family of 5 thing is all about. Please begin to pray for our adoption process. We do have some hoops to jump through yet and although we hope there won't be any speed bumps over the next 6 months, we know it can happen. Pray that these kids will legally be ours as soon as possible. We want them...... we always have. "It takes a village to raise a child" and we can't wait to introduce our children to their new village.
Our oldest loves to leave us toys piled outside her door. Here is one of her favorite stuffed friends. |
As I was making oatmeal for breakfast I had to pause and take a picture of this..... 5 bowls still seems to strange to me! (As does having to runt he dishwasher daily!) |
I am so excited for you! We are praying for all of you!
ReplyDeleteRandy and Wanda