Valentines Day

We had our first official Holiday together as a family of 5 and we can say that we learned a few things.... For one thing, when you pick up 3 helium balloons for your 3 kids and one breaks off and flies away somewhere in between that short walk from the car to the house, just let the other 2 balloons fly away as well.  You will advert disaster upon walking into the house and a second trip back out to the store. 

Secondly, when your kids get super fun Valentines in the mail filled with awesome stickers expect to find them everywhere....on everything...for multiple days.  Luckily, Uncle Aaron and Aunt Alison know what's up in the sticker world so they were the thicker plastic stickers which have far less stick. 

Thirdly,  it is perfectly OK to make crackers cut into the shape of hearts and not correct your child when they refer to them as cookies.  "Oh, what's that? want a fifth cookie?...... of course you can!"  You will be on the fast track to becoming the coolest parents around in no time.

Fourthly, building a snowman is a lot more work now than it was when you were 7.  Allow me to explain.  This Valentines Day not only did the "older" kids get a snow day here in the area, but the snow was prefect snowman making snow.  Paul came home for a "work lunch" so we could talk through and plan some of the logistics of the upcoming middle school retreat.  As we were sitting by our big patio window I got the idea in my mind to build the kids a "Valentines Snowman" who would magically appear on our deck after their naps.  Paul thought it was a good idea too but had to return back to work (at least that was his excuse....) leaving his wife to build a snowman all by herself and likely become the talk of the neighborhood.  Let me tell you, although the snow was fully cooperative, rolling snowballs is hard work.  I survived and it was totally worth it.  We have heard "Oh, Oh! No-man!!!" more times since Thursday than I can count.  I think they forget he is there every few minutes so the excitement of the discovery is fresh each time. 

We topped our Valentines Day off with Culvers Sundaes after the kiddos went to bed.....chocolate custard with brownie bites and hot fudge...  now that sounds like an appropriate Valentines treat! 

Other than a great Valentines Day, things continue to roll with the adoption process.  We have targeted August as the month we should be eligible to file for the adoption.  It could not come sooner, we want to know that we know that we know these kids will be ours forever.  We continue to fall in love with them more and more each day.  Seriously people, I know you haven't seen their pictures and many of you don't even know their names but these kids are cuties!  ...Either that or I have just become a parent because all parents think that about their kids, right? 
Our Valentine Snowman looking in our patio door.

The Snowman decided to stand on his head while the kids were napping today...."illy no man"

While these are not the famous cracker "cookies", I also made homemade pop tarts which were a hit! Check out the homemade wheat thins recipe HERE or the pop tart recipe HERE.


  1. Having had the honor of meeting the kiddo's on Saturday I would like to back Nicki up on this one, they are cuties!!!!

    You guys are and will be great parents.

    Mike Stibor


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